Sunday, October 30, 2011

These Are the Good Old Days

And stay right here 'cause these are the good old days
-Carly Simon

I am two months shy of 5 entire years without one single, solitary night of sleep. Not a single one. Not a night at Mammy and Papa's (my choice) not a night of miracles. 5 years of exhaustion, 5 years of diapers and potty training, 5 years of special needs and therapy/intervention, 5 years of a messy house, 5 years of picky eaters, 5 years of teaching to walk and still teaching to talk. 5 years of cleaning ears and wiping bottoms.5 years of 24 hour works days...and 5 years of pure, wondrous joy. My 91 year old gram tells me all the time how grandpa used to say to her when her baby was crying and she was exhausted and had no time to herself, "don't wish your life away." I may be tired all the time and I may have more chores than the average mommy but I am the luckiest wife and the happiest mommy. So even on the days that are more trying than I would like and believe me I have too many of those to count, I still remember that these in fact are the good old days.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Note to Self. Night time Jogging in Winter Darkness = Hazard

The funniest part about the fact that I was jogging in the dark, late, in winter weather is not actually any of those details. The hilarious part is that I got a doctors note out of running the mile in high school and whined and walked during every running requirement my entire gym class life. I literally hate... hated running. I have been driving past a lady everyday on the way to take my son to school for the past two years. She is always jogging and it always looks like it's at a very comfortable pace. After all these months I finally passed her at a location that I was able to stop her and chat. She was super sweet and gave me tips and explained that she runs at that pace because she goes 8 miles everyday! I got a poncho and a neck warmer thing that has a fancy name and started jogging. Everyday! I'm not at 8 miles but I am at 1 and for a girl who hates running and isn't a real work out gal, this is the hugest deal! I really don't want to haul the tots on my jog in the clumsy jogging stroller that we have, so I have been going after dinner which gets later and later as hubby has been stuck working late. Tonight it was pretty dark (can't wait for daylight savings next week where it's dark an hour earlier) and I was jamming to my tunes and then smack! I felt it coming and then I slammed to the ground. Hand and knee are pretty cut up thanks to uneven sidewalk and no lights but I fought the urge to run home and cry to hubby and decided to finish my run. Super glad I took up this new hobby, just need to find a way to get out there before the sky is pitch black! Now I need my a cowboy band aid. Stat!

The Itch is Scratched

I have two boys that I had 20 mos apart. I'm not sure if it's due to the fact that neither of them were sleeping through the night...wait they still don't sleep, but it was either that or the fact that my older son has developmental delays/special needs that helped us decide to hold off on having more children. Our sons therapy and intervention is extremely time consuming and expensive so any leftover funds and energy that may have been spent on a third child went to this cause. Well worth the college tuition etc. as he is kicking this things butt, but still it's a lot of work. I always planned on having another child at some point but today is not the day. Still I had recently gotten the "baby itch" and hubby was far from on board. Lucky for me my big sis went and had the absolute cutest baby girl ever born and it was the PERFECT way to scratch the itch. Not only do I get to snuggle the little dumpling often but I get a front row reminder of how much work those little nuggets really are and I have to say I am at a pretty great stage with my 3 and almost 5 year old so I will back burner that baby talk at least for a while longer. But when the urge creeps up I just drop by and play with my niece! Could you die from this pic!

Feel better?

So this slight sassy streak that runs through me had a vision a few months back and I think it's time to bring it to reality. I spend a bit of time on Facebook and I have the hardest time with the know it all or call out responses. I mean sure there are times when we would all love to offer a snarky remark but for the most part most of us hold it in. Between Facebook and just grumpy people who share rotten thoughts just for fun I invented this.. I think it's sassy enough but with a little sprinkle of sweet and gets the point across. I kind of want it to just be available for everyone anytime to be inserted when needed. What do you think? I like it!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Family Pic

After several attempts we are still yet to pose for a family photo so here is my best effort for now..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thanksgiving is after halloween

I should be solely focused on the fact that I have 2 Buzz light years to dress up and take trick or treating in 5 days and that my husband tried my 3 year olds costume on with no clothes underneith so now he thinks it will be itchy forever. Instead I'm busy trying to figure out a cute and easy Thanksgiving dessert trinket to give to everyone who is coming for dinner. Yes they will be stuffed to capacity when they leave but still I think a little wrapped dessert to go is a must have for this occasion. Last year the foil covered chocolate turkeys looked cute on the tables but this year I'd like to have enough for each person. If I can find the energy to put on my baking hat I think I will make these little cutie pies by Bakerella. Sure wish she delivered!