So this past weekend my typically developing 3 yr old son had a birthday party to attend. He had a great time wearing his Halloween costume and running around like a crazy man for 2 hours. I was exhausted by the time it was over but I digress. When it came time for the group to sing happy birthday I found myself getting my traditional anxiety and then I looked around and remembered which kid I had with me. When we sing happy birthday and my special needs almost 5 yr old son is present, we take note of where he is just in case he experiences sensory overload. He has come SO FAR with this whole thing and seems to actually be enjoying it now but still I never want my little man to be uncomfortable and a large group of people singing a harmony and then yelling and clapping afterward can be a bit trying for those who are sensory sensitive. It's funny how we train ourselves and experience knee jerk reactions even when a situation doesn't really call for the mama bear instinct anymore.
In other holiday goodness, trick or treat season was a great success this year! Buzz light year x 2 in this house! T and I surprised N at school and here are the only pics we got. Not perfect but they capture the moment :)

The only somewhat body pic of the boys.
Washing hands with N's amazing teacher. Cupcake time!

N was so happy when he saw that mommy was there
to pass out candy during practice trick or treat

T is excited to be at big brothers school with his class
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