We stayed home this holiday break and had two amazing weeks with the four of us. We have loved every minute of it. Lots of relaxing at home,just a tiny little bit of potty training regression and a whole lot of quality time. We had booked our ticket for the Christmas train a few weeks back and we were looking forward to our big day out. Yesterday was finally train day and we had a great trip. It's an antique train about an hour from our house and it is set up in a Christmas village that has an old fashioned theme. It was like going on a little vacation for a couple hours and we all had a great time. The train is quite old so it doesn't go super fast and the boys did ask a couple times if it was over and if we could go bye bye but that's expected on a 40 minute ride. On either side of the train as you go along they have set up light displays that are all unique and beautiful. Santa even waives from one of the spots and there is a toy solider walking back and forth. Poor men must be freezing out there in the snow but they do their jobs well and act happy the entire time. I hope they are paid well! We got a bag of kettle corn that was made right in the little village, saw a little train display and went into a couple corner type gift stores. So nice to spend time out and have a great experience as a family.

The boys were bursting with excitement during our long 1 hr drive to the train....zzzzz
Checked in!
We saw the train as soon as we arrived and it was great! An antique train that would not be in running condition if this community hadn't taken such great care to maintain it all these years.
They're big enough to walk on their own of course but MUCH easier to contain in these little baby rollers. Cold but excited boys about to board the train. Time to park the strollers.
All aboard!
Ready for departure.
Excited for the whistle to blow!
Such a pretty train.
One of many light displays out our windows. They pumped "12 Days of Christmas" through the cars and the numbers are all in a row on either side of the car. So fun!
We had so much F U N!
After the train we walked around the cute Christmas village one more time to hit a few places we had missed. such a fun trip!
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