Friday, December 30, 2011

All Aboard the Christmas Train

We stayed home this holiday break and had two amazing weeks with the four of us. We have loved every minute of it. Lots of relaxing at home,just a tiny little bit of potty training regression and a whole lot of quality time. We had booked our ticket for the Christmas train a few weeks back and we were looking forward to our big day out. Yesterday was finally train day and we had a great trip. It's an antique train about an hour from our house and it is set up in a Christmas village that has an old fashioned theme. It was like going on a little vacation for a couple hours and we all had a great time. The train is quite old so it doesn't go super fast and the boys did ask a couple times if it was over and if we could go bye bye but that's expected on a 40 minute ride. On either side of the train as you go along they have set up light displays that are all unique and beautiful. Santa even waives from one of the spots and there is a toy solider walking back and forth. Poor men must be freezing out there in the snow but they do their jobs well and act happy the entire time. I hope they are paid well! We got a bag of kettle corn that was made right in the little village, saw a little train display and went into a couple corner type gift stores. So nice to spend time out and have a great experience as a family.


The boys were bursting with excitement during our long 1 hr drive to the train....zzzzz

Checked in!

We saw the train as soon as we arrived and it was great! An antique train that would not be in running condition if this community hadn't taken such great care to maintain it all these years.

They're big enough to walk on their own of course but MUCH easier to contain in these little baby rollers. Cold but excited boys about to board the train. Time to park the strollers.

All aboard!

Ready for departure.

Excited for the whistle to blow!

Such a pretty train.

One of many light displays out our windows. They pumped "12 Days of Christmas" through the cars and the numbers are all in a row on either side of the car. So fun!

We had so much F U N!

After the train we walked around the cute Christmas village one more time to hit a few places we had missed. such a fun trip!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Enjoying Holiday Break!

Today we swooped up our nephews and all 6 of us, me, hubby, our boys and the nephews, all went to Jungle Java for an energy releasing outing. The boys are loving the home time but we were starting to worry that they may never go back to school if we continue to let them be home bodies every minute, so off we went. It was a great time and hubby and I especially loved it because we didn't have to climb up and go down the twisty slides because the nephews did all of the work for us! We got to stand by and watch the fun and snap a few photos.

At the top ready to come down

So proud

Next Group!

We have come a long way from the toddler area!

While we were waiting for our cookies and snacks to be ready, we stopped for a snuggle on the big chair.

These are the best nephews/cousins! We literally got to watch and relax. Hubby did have to make one trip down the slide but that's no biggie right :).

Overall we had a great morning out and everyone got to spend lots of holiday energy. Lots of family time in the days ahead and later next week is the Chrirstmas train. Holiday break is the best!

Now if we could just get back to going to sleep at a reasonable bed time!

Fml Forte

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pushy Kiss

My 3 year old son calls this a Pushy Kiss. He has absolutely no doubt in this world that this is the correct title and I will never, ever correct him. :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Big Day Birthday

Today was a big day. It was the birthday party of my (almost) 5 yr old amazing, son. He works hard every day to overcome his developmental delays and he is just the all around coolest kid. He loved his gifts and seemed to enjoy the party, especially the cake. We took most of his gifts out of the package within an hour of opening them and had a fun day with family.

He listened to his new book on cd's while he colored in his giant coloring book.

While my Gram, his great Gram, stayed to watch The Help on his laptop.

How cute is she? When the DVD started she said "no wonder he loves his laptop, it does all this?" Yep, it plays dvd's and everything!

Overall it was a super fun day filled with pizza, cake, toys and fun. Now on to the holiday partys that start... tomorrow!


The Holiday Season Is Here

My boys have the most amazing teachers and therapists. We could not ask for a better group of people teaching and supporting our little dumplings everyday. This year I got each of them earrings but then I found these adorable little nail files so I put them inside the earring pouch and voila a little dolly dress wrapped up gift.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Almost Changed My Name..

I had one of THOSE days last week and really wanted to change my name from Mom to.. anything that was a super secret. Then the day ended (hoo freakin ray) and I saw things like this

and this

And then I decided to keep my name. Mom.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Domestic for the day

I have been looking at recipes lately and decided to jump right in and try a couple yesterday. I was pretty impressed that I was actually able to follow along and that everything turned out just about how it was supposed to. My first attempt at recipes is always followed by a better second attempt but still, dinner was justttttt fine. I made spaghetti stuffed garlic bread and brownie cookie cups. I found the recipe for the bread on pinterest believe it or not so I don't remember off hand who originated it but it's for sure still up there if you want to try it. I got the brownie cups recipe on the back of the mint flavored hershey kisses which happen to be one of the many, many little sweeties that are making getting in shape just a bit more challenging. Here is what a day of cooking and baking looks like in our house.

Sunday, December 11, 2011



I just love this. I love looking at it each morning as I wash my dishes and get ready to start my day. This my friends, says it all!  Everyday DOES hold the possibiltiy of a miracle!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Seeing Signs

What I love the most about seeing inspirational writings on tons of things when I'm out and about is not only how cute the words look on whatever item they are on but also how I can hold on to each item and use it as a symbol. I love reminders to hope and believe and love etc. Even though I do these all day everyday I am human and sleep deprived and my plate is oh so full so these little reminders make my day whenever I stumble upon them. I found these little cuties the other night while I was out shopping and they make me happy just to look at them. I gave them to my niece because she likes that kind of stuff too and she is more in the appropriate age bracket but I snagged this pic for myself and I can surely look at her wrist whenever I would like :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Creating Memories

Took the boys to the local arcade and I have to say I had at least as much fun as they did. I remember seeing an engaged couple on a date here the last time we went and kept thinking that me and hubby would have fun here without the kids too. In the meantime I had a blast with my boys and even though I couldn't get them to tear their eyes away from the games long enough to pose for pictures, I did capture a few goodies. Candid in this case sure does say it all!