Thursday, June 7, 2012

When One Door Closes...The End of School

Both of my little men are finishing up their school year but my bigger little man is finishing preschool forever. When we started out with the Early On program we were told almost immediately that he really was better suited for the special needs preschool class. I was nervous but the teacher greeted us with such kindness that we felt comfortable with her right away. She has been his teacher now for three years. At 5 years old this little boy has grown so much with her that she too agrees that this is an entirely different child than the one we started with.

It's hard to  put into words, the gratitude you feel for a team of people who have worked for three years to help your child gain skills and catch up on his delays . Thanks is really not enough but I had to find a way to at least make sure they know that we will never forget any of them, ever.

I decided to buy a little African Violet for every member of the team and include a little cupcake note card telling them how much they have meant to us over these past few years. I know I won't ever be able to truly express our thanks but this way, as they watch their violet grow they can remember our little boy and know that they have made a huge difference in his life and ours.


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