Sunday, November 20, 2011

Not Star Struck, Success Struck!

I have always thought about the concept of being star struck. What is it about seeing someone who is in a movie or on a television show that gets everyone so excited? Why do we hold these people in such a high regard to the point that their coffee breaks or marriage demise actually lead the national news on any given day. I really have thought about this and I suppose we each have our own star struck moment but it never made sense to me the whole mob scene mentality. I do have to say though that as I get older I feel that for me it's becoming success struck. If Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or a successful entrepreneur passed by me I would be "success struck". Even though actors aren't my inspiration I do have to say that their success and their ability to perfect their role really is an inspiration. When I look at it from that perspective instead of just the frenzy of seeing someone in person who has been in a magazine or on a television show the whole star/success struck makes sense. If Brittany Spears passed me I may nod and say hello because she has done well in her endeavors but for me it's not the glam it's the idea that someone set a goal, busted their butt and succeeded at achieving their mission. That for me makes the act of being "struck" hit home. I am not star struck but I'm inspired by people who have reached their goals and that makes me absolutely success struck :)


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